York Registry Wills 1389-1858

List of Rayner York Registry Wills and Administrations 1389 to 1688 mainly focused on Kirklees and Calderdale. List extracted from Yorkshire Archeological Society Record Series Volumes: 6, 11, 14, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 35, 4, 49, 60, 68 and 89.

Copies of the wills do appear to be available on the FamilySearch website but are only accessible from family history centres or FamilySearch affiliate libraries. See: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/350921

  • Some volumes span more than one microfilm, I've just listed the first microfilm for the volume.
  • There was disruption during the English civil war 1642–1651.

List of Rayner York Registry Wills and Administrations 1688 to 1858 mainly focused on Kirklees and Calderdale. List extracted from Prerogative & Exchequer Courts Of York Probate Index, 1688-1858.


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