
York Registry Wills 1389-1858

List of Rayner York Registry Wills and Administrations 1389 to 1688 mainly focused on Kirklees and Calderdale. List extracted from Yorkshire Archeological Society  Record Series Volumes: 6 , 11 , 14 , 19 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 32 , 35 , 4 , 49 , 60 , 68 and 89 . Copies of the wills do appear to be available on the FamilySearch website but are only accessible from family history centres or FamilySearch affiliate libraries. See: Notes: Some volumes span more than one microfilm, I've just listed the first microfilm for the volume. There was disruption during the English civil war 1642–1651. List of Rayner York Registry Wills and Administrations 1688 to 1858 mainly focused on Kirklees and Calderdale. List extracted from Prerogative & Exchequer Courts Of York Probate Index, 1688-1858 .

Other Rayner Websites AND

What Rayner research has been done before?

George W. Marshall (1903) The Genealogist's Guide , Guildford: Privately printed for the author by Billing and sons. RAYNER Dwnn's Visitation of Wales, i 76. Harleian Society, xxxvii. 157. [vol. i. Beckwith's Collection, now among Gough's books at the Bodleian , 1821. #18273 p. 277 ] REYNER Harleian Society, xxxvii. 7. J. B. Whitmore (1953) A Genealogical Guide: An Index to British Pedigrees: in Continuation of Marshall's Genealogist's Guide . London: Walford Brothers. RAYNER Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Harleian Society lv, 1302. Burke's Landed Gentry (1937) Norfolk Archaeology, xxix, 109. RAYNOR Lincolnshire Pedigrees, Harleian Society l, 222. REYNER Hunter's Pedigrees, Harleian Society lxxxviii, 117. Geoffrey B. Barrow (1977) The Genealogist's Guide: An index to printed British pedigrees and family histories, 1950-1975 . London: The Research Publishing Co. RAYNER Halifax Antiq., Tn: 144. Subject: Rayners of Norland. Title: The Harper Royds. Author: ...

Rayner Surname Project

Are you interested in exploring your Rayner lineage using Y-DNA? If so then please consider joining the Rainer (and surname variants) Project at: . Note that you need to be a male Rayner to take a FamilyTreeDNA Y-DNA test. If you are not a male Rayner this does not prevent you from participating in the project but you will need to recruit a male Rayner, e.g. brother, father, uncle or cousin, to take a Y-DNA test for you. Best Regards, Gavin Rayner Group Administrator: